We have something new for you today. We are switching over to live web-based documentation for Studio Manager 9. We just opened our account today and have put up a few Studio Manager lessons that are available for public access.
Shortly we will be putting up a lot more lessons that will only be available to Studio Manager customers. What that means to you if you are a Studio Manager customer is that you'll need to register for an account.
Because some of our FileMaker consulting work is not for Studio Manager, we've opened the account under the name "tokerud" and the public URL is: tokerud.screenstepslive.com. We are hoping to use ScreenSteps whenever we have a need to explain how to do something in Studio Manager, FileMaker or the Mac.
One cool feature of ScreenSteps is that the user can download a PDF of a single lesson and be guaranteed of getting the most up to date information on that subject. You don't necessarily have to print a big manual all at once. Print as needed or just download PDFs of sections you are working on. Don't keep too many too long. Better to come back and get the freshest version of that lesson when you need it.
Unlike getting a full user manual that is current as of a single date, you get each lesson updated as recently as can be. We want to put up documentation as it is written rather than waiting for months to write the entire manual from start to finish.
Another thing we like about ScreenSteps is that each lesson is like a blog post with a comments area at the bottom. That means when you read a lesson and have a question, you can post it there. We then have the option of (1) writing a comment of our own to clarify or (2) improving the lesson to handle your question.
If we do our ScreenSteps documentation at the level of excellence that we are shooting for, we hope to attract a lot of comments and useage from our customer base. Our not so hidden agenda is to create a thriving community around Studio Manager that communicates. We want you guys to help each other and share knowledge.
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