All right, we just spent about $2500 user testing, improving and revising the demo manual for Studio Manager 9. Please consider the demo manual as a helpful introduction to the functionality of Studio Manager. The demo manual can be a handy training resource for new employees. Perfect for getting a thorough overview of the product. It has lots of screenshots so you can see what the instructions are talking about.
If you haven't checked out he Getting Started tutorial, we also recommend it for a hands on walk-thru. Step by step. Getting Started is 12 pages. The demo manual is 24.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the manual, Studio Manager or this post. I'll be notified if you post your question as a comment here. Or you can email me. Or, feel free to call us at 415 789-5219. We're open 8 am to 5:30 pm week days Pacific time.