You haven't heard much here lately because we've been working our butts off! Studio Manager 5 is now officially on the back burner - probably gone for good. Instead we are working on Studio Manager 7 which is all in a single file. It's elegant.
We are targeting November 1 for the early release of the Beta of Studio Manager 7. It might be a week or so late, though. But we're hoping to have it out on the 1st. I expect we will have a very nice, feature-complete, tested Beta by then. This is going to be available for purchase at a 10% discount from the new Studio Manager 7 prices.
The advantage of going with our beta is that, at the very least, you can start learning the product and making set-up decisions. This puts you in a better position to get up and running live by January. We are hoping to have the release version out by Thanksgiving. Even if you leave the beta in the box, you would save 10% on the purchase price of the product by buying early. You'll get a free upgrade to the release version when it ships.
If you are serious about starting immediately with the Beta, you are still in good shape but there are a couple caveats. The new user manual won't be done by then. We'll write up a short ReadMe (I'm thinking 5 or so pages) plus the user manual for Studio Manager 4.6. Since we are not changing the functionality from 4.6, except very minimally, this should work for you.
The other drawback you will have is that you'll need to import any good data you've entered into the final product when it is released. Importing is very easy because all the field names match and you click the match field button and it works. You will need to import data one table at a time, but it's still speedy and shouldn't take more than 30 minutes if you are a new user.
Also, we've already sold our first beta, so you won't be the first one with the beta if you buy when the official beta is released.
We are very happy with our new baby Studio Manager 7. I'll post some teaser screenshots soon. The new price list will be posted shortly.