I'm a late-adopter when it comes to Del.icio.us. Actually, today is the first day I've really used it correctly. It's not all my fault, I've never seen a decent Del.icio.us tutorial that made it accessible to people like me who don't have time or patience to futz around indefinitely or even for a few extra minutes.
Also, probably one reason it took me a while is that I didn't particularly appreciate the plain-jane del.icio.us UI. But, yesterday I found Cocoalicious and, other than the fact that it too has no documentation to speak of, it looked cocoa-good. So I futzed with it long enough to figure out how to post the pages I like and appreciate to del.icio.us - simply and easily. Yay!
Cocoalicious also functions as a webpage viewer for all my Del.icio.us links. And I've selected Cocoalicious as my NetNewsWire weblog. This is working.
This is a breakthrough. Up till now I had two choices when I ran across a cool post: (1) copy it into my own personal knowledge-stash in DEVONthink or (2) blog about it. Since I don't have the time to blog about every cool post I find, I've been opting for the solitary, hoarding route of putting the full content of each article I like into DT, telling myself I might use the info in a blog piece some time in the future.
But now I have a fantastic third option. I can share what I find by posting annotated links to del.icio.us. And I can still collect it in DT if I must -- I love to use multiple colored highlighters in DT as I read stuff.
Del.icio.us provides the ultimate light way of sharing. Cocoalicious, by the way, makes it a snap to do. So, I can now say that, if you like tech ronin, you might well want to subscribe to my delicious feed or just take a look once in a while because I find a lot of cool stuff and am tagging and bagging it to share - starting today.
Technorati Tags: cocoalicious, del.icio.us, DEVONthink, knowledgesharing, sharing, socialsoftware, tagging
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