Guess who transferred her domain from to Dreamhost? Guess who is now rocking the Thesis WordPress theme and that theme is running my site as a WordPress blog? Yeah. That would be me.
My site has about 6 *static* web pages so it was not a huge challenge to migrate those pages. But then I was going from a static homegrown website to WordPress blog. I knew nothing about WordPress prior.
In Part 4 of this series, I told you how Word Press for Dummies was the ticket for me to jump back into this project that had bogged down in February. I consumed the book last weekend. Now I'm up and running on WordPress.
Picking a WordPress theme was my sticking point. I didn't like what I had found in the fairly scanty free themes research I had done. I kept hearing about a premium theme called Thesis and started honing in on that. It turns out that there's a whole ecosystem rotating around the Thesis theme. The buzz is really good. I liked how it looked. I like Chris Pearson, the one man show behind the theme.
The price is $87 for 1 blog and $164 for more. You can start with $87 and then upgrade later for $77 to use Thesis on as many other blogs as you want. Given that I bill an hour of my time for well over $87, the price was no barrier. A really good theme will not only make my site more attractive and functional, but it will save me hours of work potentially.
So, I bought it and installed it immediately. I did run into a lot of questions many of which are still to be answered, but I'm totally thrilled to be up and running overnight. I've got lots of documentation and blog posts to read.
I was lucky yesterday to have my business associate, Scout Tomyris, helping out with WordPress and the Thesis theme. She didn't know it either but the company is great and she did some good things for the site. A couple of her accomplishments were to get some of our photos up in the upper right corner rotating through the site and figuring the best size for the photos. She also put up the Janet, Sally and Scout tabs (pages) for us.
I now am committed and will be learning more fast. Stay tuned. If you want to start at the beginning of the series, use this: Part 1.