I've been having fun with some of the new TypePad themes. I am using the Ragged Marine theme on my product blog called Studio Manager Bulletin. I have a whole Studio Manager website composed of static web pages and I have the Studio Manager Bulletin blog. Static information like product features, screenshots, pricing, a FAQ and contact information is all on my Studio Manager site.
TypePad now has a feature called Pages which lets you create any number of additional pages with same style as your blog. Here's the TypePad Customer Stories page I just made by copying most of the HTML and a little of the stylesheet information I am using in my website Customer Stories page into a new TypePad page.
It is actually something that could work I think. The content came in quite nicely. All I need to do is make sure that any stylesheet info that is unique to the Customer Stories page not override styles for the main page.
Creating a static page in TypePad. There you have a page Title and the a Post Body box which can be modified as rich text. You can also use the Edit HTML tab and paste in HTML. That is what I did quite successfully. I created an html page which was the main column in my current website and saved that. Modifications can be made there. Then you just paste it into the HTML tab and if it needs tweaking go back to the HTML page and edit it and paste again. The reason for this is that once the HTML goes into TypePad and is saved, TypePad will put a bunch of extra stuff (garbage?) which makes it harder to edit the html in TypePad itself.
Modifying the Styles for the static TypePad page. I go to the Design tab in TypePad and select Custom CSS. That gives a text box where I can type in stylesheet information like this that I want to override or extend the Ragged Marine CSS theme I've chosen:
#section {border-bottom: 1px dashed black;}
Now my only problem is to think about and be sure I really like the Ragged Marine theme well enough to base a whole blog + website on it. Not so sure.