I want a 16 gig iPhone, the sooner the better. If a 16 gb version is released soon, I will try to find a way to buy one and sell my 8 gig.
But there is another side to this. The $399 price for the 8 gig iPhone makes room for something above it. The 16 gig iPod Touch is shipping in less than 2 weeks.
When does the other shoe drop on this iPhone price cut? People got mad to see the price drop so fast on the iPhone. Steve's $100 credit for the early adopters soothed ruffled feathers. But, don't tell me they won't get re-stimulated if Apple sucker punches geeks with tight pocketbooks who buy $399 8 gig iPhones only to see 16 gig iPhones a week or two or even a month later. That won't go over and will continue the *let's extract every last cent out of customers* mentality that may have driven the $599 for 2 months and cut to $399 pricing plan.