It looks like Apple is going to start letting non-iPhone cool stuff out of the gate. Mum seems to have been the word for a few months now. We don't know for sure what is going to be announced. But, it has been explicitly stated to invitees that no iPod or iPhone announcements will be included at this event.
It is certain that there will be an exclusive press event next Tuesday, August 7, at Apple's Infinite Loop in Cupertino at Apple Town Hall. This is where the Intel Mac mini and the iPod Hi-Fi were announced.
Since I work out of my home, I am excited that the widely expected new iMacs (17"*, 20" and 24") have been described as not so much for the office by 9to5mac:
This will be something designed more for the living room or family room (or bedroom or dorm room) than the office.
The iMac is supposed to be thinner with a thin keyboard. You know how these rumors go, but cross your fingers! I'm hoping for cheaper, lighter and more portable. The rumors also indicate that the iPod-like chin will be considerably reduced.
The iMac part of this rumor regarding what will be announced seems close to rock solid. More iffy, is a rumor that iLife applications will be announced. A new version of the iWork apps is also a longer shot but a possibility.
*We've got more rumors saying the 17" iMac will be dropped but some say it will be included.
Other References: Apple Insider, Think Secret