A few quick bits this morning on iPhone:
Now I can be more easily reached when I am listening to music or podcasts. I walk every day with my iPod and now with my iPhone. The differences are. Now, I will get phone calls. Before I would miss calls sometimes. I also would sometimes not listen to music from my iPod in my car when expecting a call. That problem goes away.
I am using the Notes quite a bit to jot down my observations about iPhone. Too bad there is no note syncing yet. For years I've wanted to be able to type notes into my iPod. To Do lists need to be handled as notes right now. Hey, that's what Mr. GTD, David Allen, does.
RSS Reading. I really want an RSS reader in the iPhone. Apparently there already is an RSS-reading capability. You can type an RSS URL into Safari and get that feed but there are no amenities for switching between feeds and such. [Kottke]
Apple's in-store iPhone training. It is great they offer training. I went for two hours on Sunday but the instructor didn't really know much more than we knew. It wasn't a slick presentation as I was expecting it to be and it didn't go into enough depth. I am guessing if I try the Apple flagship store in SF, the results would be better. But, of course, the staff has only had an iPhone since Friday as well.
Multi-touch. It gets better as you learn exactly how to touch. For example, when I first would touch the screen in Safari, I would often hit a link and be taken off to another page. Frustrating if you are using EDGE. But now I can tell how this thing works. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. It works well enough for a brand new device and once you get it, you are flying!
Making your web pages iPhone friendly. Now, wait a minute, I didn't think that was necessary with the iPhone. It isn't necessary, but if you have text no more than about 4-5 inches wide, when you zoom in with iPhone you get nice readable text. If you double-tap an 8 inch wide column, the type is kind of tiny. You can still pinch out to make the type bigger but then you need to drag back and forth left and right to see everything. The text in this column is about perfect.
Safari Market Share. I wonder what Safari usage is gonna do with all these new iPhone users. I wonder if the online stats will be able to distiguish between a Safari user on a Mac and one on an iPhone. I doubt it. Safari may have a pleasant surge in its market share. Of course, Safari for Windows might be a help as well.
Apple Stock. In the last week and a half, I had sold 3/4ths of my Apple stock. But Monday I bought back 2/3rds of that so, I now have enough sold that I have covered my original investment and I am going to stay in for at least a little while longer since I think this whole iPhone thing is a huge deal.
Bookmarks. The bookmarks in iPhone Safari are incredibly easy to work with. I don't have the bookmarks bar across which is great on my Mac, of course. But it is really easy to move my bookmarks up and down to get them in the best order for quick access to my favorite sites of the moment. This experience has no relationship at all to my efforts on my BlackBerry Pearl which was a real struggle in many ways when it came to Net access.
OSX iPod. Steve mentioned that an OS X iPod is coming when he gave away free iPhones to all his full-time employees (who had been there at least a year) the other day. If you happen to have great wi-fi access in your daily routines and the new iPod is essentially an iPhone without cellular access, the new iPod could be great for people who aren't into spending $20 or more a month on a data plan. The internet access is the killer app on the iPhone (if you don't count visual voicemail).
If you are going to do some music listening on the iPhone speakerphone, I recommend you turn on the Small Speakers EQ in Settings.
I am enjoying my iMap access where changes i make on the phone stick when I get back to my Mac.
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