I have owned BBEdit for years but other options have come up so I didn't upgrade when 8.5 came out. I read a really positive review of 8.5 the other day. On impulse, I upgraded.
I was updating my web pages from Studio Manager 7.7 to Studio Manager 8. There were lots of things I wanted to replace. I was able to change the names and add references to new images (the new logo!) in multiple web pages at once.
Powerful search and replace on multiple documents has been possible for years. And I've used the feature before. But, I got more into the product and have done some other things since then which involved search and replace. It was more fun to use.
The UI is more enjoyable. The icon is better, the screen you work on is really nice. The feel is smooth as silk and light. Easy. I bet they've sped it up or maybe working on my MacBook helps a lot.
I'm thinking competition is at work here. Just like I feel competition in my field and try stay current and get ahead of the pack when I can. Bare Bones seems to have done the same thing.
I've been working really hard on the UI of Studio Manager 8 and I really appreciate what the Bare Bones team has accomplished with 8.5.
I can't find the review now, darn. Here is an over the top review that I agree with and then there is Michael Tsai's review from a programmer's point of view.