I've been waiting a while for the Canon SD700 to be available and today I bought one. Circuit City is selling them for $449 this week. It lists currently for $500 and I'm sure they'll go lower soon enough, but that's not bad for buying from a local store without having to bother with a rebate for a state-of-the-art camera.
I like Canon cameras. I'm used to them. I've had a couple before, most recently the SD500. I like the pictures this little guy takes. I like being able to keep it in my pocket easily. I like the optical image-stabilization that helps me take sharp pictures in low light or when using telephoto.
I appreciate getting 4x optical zoom instead of 3. I'm happy with the very bright 2-1/2 inch screen with 173,000 pixels. The photos look really good on the lcd.
As far as I can tell, this is the best pocketable camera in the current crop: 3.56 x 2.22 x 1.04 inches. At 5.82 ounces, it's not light but acceptable. The image stabilizer adds a bit of weight.
I've taken about 50 shots mostly indoors so far and they are looking better than any photos I've taken with a small camera. I really enjoy taking photos and seeing instantly what I get. Especially when its easy to get good shots.
This is strictly amateur, casual, photography. But one does get a bit better all the time with all the practice and immediate feedback.
By the way, I'm proud to say that this didn't go on my credit card. I paid with my debit card. I'm on a campaign to stop using credit cards and just use my debit card. Pay as you go.
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