Apple has dropped the price of the 20“ iMac G5 to $1499. That's a $200 savings compared to the Intel version. This is a nice option for those of you who need full compatibility because you run a lot of big apps that won't be *universal* for a while and/or because you don't like bleeding edge. Keep in mind that Intel doesn't now and will never run any Classic applications. Not one.
In theory, the resale value of your iMac G5 will drop a little more than otherwise because eventually Intel will be the game to play on Mac. But, from what I've seen in early returns on the Intel-based iMac, you will get just as good performance overall on the G5. Depending on what you are running, the G5 may often be faster.
Remember that the G5 is fast to begin with. The new iMac offers more like a 25% gain in overall performance for Universal apps, not 2-3x as claimed. That claim was specific to how fast the CPU runs natively under optimal conditions. Not how fast your whole iMac will run which has several other variables like hard drive, memory and bus speed to contend with.
Bleeding edge fans should skip this deal. Newbies who can probably run everything they need on Apple's built-in applications like Mail and Safari plus iLife 06, could go either way: Intel iMac or cheaper G5 iMac. For those who like a deal, these capable G5 iMacs with all the goodies like iSight camera built-in and remote control would be tempting.
Having one or more near state-of-the-art G5 Macs around is a safety measure. The thing I like about the G5 iMac is that it is so fresh off the assembly line. There's very little about the Intel iMac that has been added except the fact that it is Intel. This is good if you want to be sure you have at least one Mac that will run Classic or other non-Universal apps often or from time to time. Sure, you probably have a good G4 or a G5 around but is it state-of-the-art as of late 2005?
Confession. I am a bleeding edge fan and wouldn't buy the iMac G5 unless push came to shove. I am enthralled by the new. But, as a seasoned computer professional whose learned the hard way that there is an unspecified risk when you buy the first machines off the assembly line, you might want to wait a while if you want the Intel versions or buy the *old* G5s.
Personal Update. I have not placed an order for an Intel Mac - yet.
Deal Tip compliments of Gizmodo: Amazon has a $150 mail-in rebate that brings the price down to $1349. Nice!
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