If you've ever thought of yourself as a Renaissance person or just someone with a lot of passionate interests, check out this new book. Margaret Lobenstine is a passionate advocate and wise advisor for the Renaissance Souls among us. I'm definitely on the list and it's interesting and uplifting to see Ms. Lobenstine explain why Renaissance Souls are often better off following their multifarious instincts than choosing one area of interest and sticking to it.
The people who are most secure are not those who pick one career and stick with it. They are the people who follow their passion–or passions.It's much more interesting than that, though. Lobenstine analyzes the vast changes that have been occurring in corporate hiring and organization and makes a good case for why the wise jack-of-all-trades may do better than those with a more single-minded bent. All those extra experiences, contacts, skills and knowledge bits can come in handy when tables turn in these uncertain times.
When they found themselves unexpectedly cast out by economic forces, they were unable to compete for scarce jobs with those whose enthusiasm led to glow-in-the-dark recommendations.Lobenstine is a Renaissance soul herself and she's done very well. If you have worried that your lack of single-minded focus has or may be a career liability, you can load up here on a boatload of stories of how current and historical figures and Lobenstine's clients have done very well for themselves.
- Passion makes your performance sparkle, giving you an edge over "lifers."
- An ability to embrace change is valued within today's corporate world and the new "free agent nation."
- You're more likely to be a successful entrepreneur when you thrive on wearing many hats.
- Love of variety makes you a great project manager and troubleshooter.
- People who enjoy learning new languages and exploring many cultures are highly valued in the global economy.