I've been reading A Million Monkeys Typing for a couple years now and every so often, I am just downright impressed. In fact, if the subject he writes about interests me the least bit, I can be virtually guaranteed to be greatly informed and entertained by his rich, interesting and well-crafted posts.
Douglas Johnston's so called random musings are often what I wish I would have written. My posts tend to be more often off the cuff thoughts only partially formed and thought through. His posts focus my mind and make me feel - well-informed. Kind of like an in-depth New York Times article but more authentic, casual and personal. And self-effacing. Which is so appreciated. I'm not diminished in the process – only enriched and stimulated in a salutary way.
You gotta bookmark this guy or subscribe if you like some of the subjects I cover here. You'll find less gadgets by far even though he's a technical kind of guy. And more and better of the best of what I've done so far.
One more thing, I can't leave the topic of Mr. Johnston without also pointing you to his cool D*I*Y Planner done with the same level of care. It's a planner system with custom pages. I believe he doesn't charge for his templates either. If you are a designer, you can take his templates and modify them if you like to your aesthetic taste. If you are not a designer, you might still like to customize the templates to meet your own particular needs.
Technorati Tags: DIY Planner, knowledgework, moleskine, Macintosh, GTD