Update: The Apple Corte Madera store is all sold out of their video iPods as of 6 pm Friday night.
I dropped by the local Apple store yesterday and they had all of the video iPods in stock except for the one I wanted - the 60 gig black. I stopped by again today and also called the San Francisco store and no luck.
I was thinking, well maybe I'll buy one online but the main advantage there is that you can engrave them. But engraving is going to hurt the resale value probably, so I think I'll pass on that one. Who knows when the *real* video iPod will come out. After all, I was surprised to see the video iPod out so quickly after the refresh in late July.
The black probably shows fingerprints and even scratches worse than the white. But, it comes with a simple case that will protect it until I find the ideal case. And I think the black looks cooler. I like black much better than white. I own a black car and wear black a lot. Judging by what I wear, it's my favorite color. So, I'll just wait it out.
They did have both the 30 gig white and the 60 gig white so I could compare how they feel, thickness and weight. There's a fairly big difference. The weight is about 15% more for the 60 gig. The 60gig is about an 1/8th of an inch thicker or 27% thicker than the 30 gig. video.
I was told in the store though, that the 60 gig drive is a dual-layer drive and would let you copy stuff to the drive faster than the 30 gig. And we already know that the 60 gig has about 50% more battery life than the 30.
Given these considerations, I'm going to think a little more whether I really need 60 gigs. I'm only using about 25 right now on my 60 gig 4G iPod.
Other impressions. The video iPod looks a lot wider than my 4G color. It's not except that the 4G is rounded so the actual top is not as wide as the widest point. That wider look isn't as appealing. Also, the flatness and square edges make the iPod a little less comfortable in my hand.
Photos on this thing look fantastic, though. That almost sold me without anything else. Darn, I wanted to see how text looks on these. I'm hoping it isn't as unreadable as my 4G. I'll have to check that and get back to you.
Technorati Tags: iPod, video iPod