I don't feel bad about being very particular about the pens and notebooks I write with. It gives me pleasure and I am a designer (software design, but still), so it figures I would be picky.
Here's the pen I like best and use at the moment. This Pilot Q7 gel pen sells for $3.48 at my local Staples. I would pay more, but I'm glad I don't have to. I can afford to have plenty around so I've got one wherever I need one.
These guys can use the vaunted Pilot G2 cartridges if you prefer. I like the .5 mm Q7 cartridges better, but that's just me. I haven't heard anyone else talking about my favorite pen so I thought I would mention it.
By the way, I used to be a Dr. Grip freak, but that enthusiasm ran out and now I'm into these. Whatcha gonna do? It's only a pen, but to me it's one of those small frequent pleasures that costs little but adds a lot.
Oh yeah, one more thing on the pen/notebook fetishists. I have to believe that these people need to be writing. Blogging has been the perfect thing for me. If you love pens and notebooks - a lot. That's you sidling up to the possibility of doing a lot more or more serious writing or sketching.
Technorati Tags: blogging, gel, moleskine, notebooks, Palm, pens, Q7, rollerball, writing