I got back into Quicksilver today and realized how great it is for getting to things FAST! I often forget that it's there, so am mostly reminding those of you who have discovered it but haven't made it a habit to keep at it. Every time I use it, it gets better and easier and more powerful. Today my Powerbook cursor went wonky for no apparent reason. I couldn't make it over to the Apple menu with my cursor to restart but was able to type cmd-space-rest-return and was restarted. That didn't solve my cursor problem, so it was time to shutdown. Of course, fresh from my success with Quicksilver to restart, I tried cmd-space-shut and was able to shutdown even though my cursor didn't work. I'll continue my experiments because every time I do I discover more cool stuff.
Writing in Marsedit again today. I love the smooth easy feel of this thing. But I won't be surprised if I have to use ecto on it too for the polishing stage... Wouldn't it be great if you could append things from one program to another. Just dreaming probably - a twist on Opendoc seemed to promise something like that many moons ago. By the way, Adriaan has enlisted Neil Dixon to overhaul ecto's icons. Competition is working already...
StickyBrain 3.1 just came out and has Palm synching. That should be a great boon to my Zire 72. According to Chronos, this is the only note manager that synchs to Palm. Wonder how much space it will take up. I'll get back to you on that one. Meanwhile, I'm using StickyBrain more and more. I like it better than NoteTaker and Circus Ponies Notebook. It's quicker. But I'm still learning...
OmniOutliner 3 and 3 Pro are out in Beta. These things are total eye-candy. I'm a sucker for that so will most likely be upgrading. Can't decide if I should get Pro or regular. Will create a special subscription in NetNewsWire to see what people are saying about it to help me decide. These special subscriptions typically with Blogdigger and Pubsub subscriptions reflect my love of non-commercial information sources. Kind of a Wisdom of Crowds sort of thing. I have the book by the way and it's quite excellent.
Upgraded to OS X 10.3.7 without a hitch. Seems to be limited to bug fixes when you get right down to it so not very exciting - at all. Hoping Tiger will come out sooner rather than later.