This is cool. TypePad got an Editor's Choice Award from PC Magazine and is a runnerup for Best Productivity Software for 2003. Not bad. Now. Let's up the ante and really get somewhere. Press the accelerator baby! There's lots more room to improve in this category of weblog software.
Here's my quick, off the top of my head, wish list:
- Buttons to do basic html stuff like lists and links. Do I really have to keep typing a href=blah blah to link to something? It's hard to recommend TypePad to *normies* when they still need to learn html to put links in.
- Since websites should have at least one weblog as the news page for their site, we need some provisions for websites in here. For example, I need an *About Tech Ronin* page in addition to my lovely *About Me* page. Just duplicate the About Me and call it *About this blog* or whatever
- I need a template for static content which would be whatever I want - typical web pages look good in columns - check my tokerud site for example.
- I gotta be able to move items between typelists please
- Drag up and down for placement on Typelists would be most helpful
- What I'm saying is, more of what you did in phase 1. TypePad 2. More functionality without coding.
- And the more you can support community stuff including *other communities* or communityless social networking the better