Gizmodo pointed to Think Secret's story about Steve's probable announcements at the SF MacWorld. Looks like a mini-iPod will be announced on January 6th at Steve's Keynote. Just in the nick of time to reach a lower price point so that the iTunes Store doesn't feel too restrictive in terms of mp3-player support. They're going to have colored *cases*. I want the colored *screen* a lot more. Shades of the iMac 6-color options as the iMac was maturing. TFT color, please. I've already bought about 4 iPods. I probably won't get a mini-iPod, but then I haven't been tempted by one yet. After color, I'm going to want wi-fi or at least bluetooth. I suppose that won't happen right now due to all the paranoia about file sharing. I'm just looking for more functionality and convenience in the device. While you are at it Steve, could you whip up a Mini-iBook? You know 3 lbs. max? And could you hurry? The more wi-fi these notebooks and our environments are, the less need for built-in CD-R etc. because we can back up over the Net.