This is my first entry into my new movable type weblog: tokerud's technology treats. Woo Hoo! I tried Radio and got one entry and a story into it but had trouble figuring out how to customize it. I tried Blosxom and almost got it going but wound up with many, many posts all on the same date. And now, I'm trying MT (which is free if used non-commercially or $150 for business users). Just read about the new easier MT offering coming up- TypePad - kind of an instant MT. But it doesn't officially beta until June. I like the way MT sites look. I'm a design snob. What's a geeky girl to do? You'll be seeing information about wireless, mac, os x, high-end mobile phones like the Sony-Ericsson P800, pdas like the new Palm Tungsten-C and the Palm Zire 71 , ryze - my fun new business networking playground, social software (the meme where my m.a. in sociology meets my 20 years of software development), blogging and more. I'll be doing lots of captures of relevant links of my choice. Plus my own commentary and prognostications. hello world, I'm comin' to get ya!