Hello web traveler. This is my first post to my new Radio Weblog. It's a website that is organized around dated postings. My focus for the time being will be on my findings regarding Mac OS X, technology and big picture things that we deal with in our times.
So, first, I love the new Jaguar, OSX 10.2 software. Finally, OS X is irresistible. It's worth switching to if you haven't yet and you are a Mac user or a frustrated PC user who needs a new operating system or some kind of upgrade. I think the only competition - big though it is - is Windows XP or, of course Mac OS 9.
I am SO enthusiastic about the new applications and features of Jaguar that I drove 100 miles down to Palo Alto from Mill Valley by myself and arrived around 9 pm Friday night the 23rd to attend the Jaguar Party at the Apple Store. About half of my time was spent in the line waiting to get in at 10:20 pm. That was one of the most fun lines - my line buddies were Mac fanatics like me. We discussed all sorts of fun Macintosh issues including which web browser. We showed off our other gadgets. I took pictures of my buddies with my cool Minolta Dimage X camera. One of my line buddies pulled out his really cool but now "old" Sony camera. We discussed whether I should get an iMac 17 or a dual-processor 867 tonight.
Another line buddy was a switcher and we discussed whether he could be in one of the switcher ads. I said he could. But he said he needed to lose 10 lbs first. My other two line geeks were about 15 - very gawky teenagers - braces - the whole bit. They were brilliant when it came to the Mac. Every now and then an Apple employee would come by handing out some sort of goodie. The most favored were temporary tatoos - big X's with jaguar fur on them. We had great fun just waiting for the big event.
We finally got into the packed white and elegant store. Steve Jobs was there for a while since he lives in Palo Alto and wanted to check things out. Everything in the store was 10% off. Now, that's a good deal in Mac land, and I was planning to buy an iMac 17" but they were out of those so I went with the 867 dual tower with a 17" flat panel display. Good times were had by all.
I left the store at 11:30 pm and one of the staff used a dolly to transport my big new shiny white boxes to my car. People applauded as I walked past people who were still in line. Needless to say, I drove the 50 miles home with a smile on my face.
Eventually, I will have more information for you about myself on this website, but for now, please refer to my personal web page on my company site for a little information. I'm just learning this new great medium and just started about 30 minutes ago. Give me a little time to warm up.
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